Monday, 6 June 2011

A brife explanation of each organized image

In order to make a photo of bride and groom in my favorite position of nature I found some related pictures and I use some proper part of the picture to make a unique photo. As I think wedding happens once in everybody’s life, and as I like nature I think, it would be great if bride and groom will be able to have different photos in different nice views to make their wedding photos romantic, interesting, and full of sense. As we know it is impossible to be in different places in one day just with the help of Photoshop. As a matter of fact I feel great to be able to bring my dream true through Photoshop and I was successful in my real wedding photos too.

A brief explanation of each part:

  Image 1: At the first image I choose a photo of bride and groom in a nice position. I select the picture and put them at the middle of red heart which is symbol of hot love and then by making effect and shadow I put them in front of the the sea near a tree at the nice island. The blue color of the sea is symbol of purity and the green color of the tree is symbol of freshness. I feel there should be purity, honesty, love and freshness in new life.

      Image 2: At the second image I found the bride and groom photo near the beach. They were barefoot which is simple of simplicity and honesty. I select the photo and put it in a nice beach with the blue sky. then I select photo of a pigeon which is symbol of highness and successful love. And finally I put them together near the nice tree at the beach. I feel freshness, success, simplicity and happiness in this picture. 

       Image 3: At the third image I found a bride and groom photo who were happy together. I select them and put them in a nice view of winter full of snow which is symbol of beauty, simplicity and honesty. Then I made shadows and green effect which is symbol of freshness and then I select a photo of an umbrella and put it over the head of bride and groom which is symbol of protect in coldness and problem of life. I feel fantastic and brightness in these bride and groom life when I see the picture. 

       Image 4: At the fourth image I found a bride and groom photo. As it is almost impossible to travel near the fall on wedding ceremony I select the bride and groom and put them near the fall which is symbol of ambitious, powerfulness, beauty and purity. I feel fantastic when I see this picture and I also make effect and shadows to show more brightness in such a kind of beautiful view. 

        Image 5: At the fifth image I found a bride and groom picture in a garden then I select and put them at the beach beside a romantic and simple boat which is symbol of a tool to protect them in problems in life. I feel great when I see the picture because everything is nice and simple with a real calmness. I also make shadows and effect in order to show the brightness of nice color which was use in such a kind of nice view.

       Finally I think with the help of different view of nice nature through Photoshop, I can show some essential important concept that should be considered as main elements of a happy life among all brides and grooms.        


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

5th Image: Wedding at a romantic beach

First I choose a nice photo of bride and groom.

Then I did selection.

Next I choose a romantic photo of the beach and boat near the sea.

Next I add another layer and made a photo of bride and groom at the beach and finally I made effect, shadow and change the brightness.

4th Image: Wedding beside the fall

First I choose the photo of bride and groom.

Then I did selection.

Next, I choose a photo of beautiful nature.

Then I put the selected photo in another layer in the nature and finally I change brightness and made effect.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Paper outline

As the title of my paper is Mobile learning in teaching English, I made this outline for my research paper.

Mobile Learning in Teaching English
By Sahar Khanpour
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • History of Mobile lerning
  • Why mobile learning?
  • Instruction of mobile learning
  • Mobile learning and teaching English 
  • The implementation of mobile learning in English class 
  • Conclusion
  • Reference

3rd Image: Wedding in winter

First I selected this image.

As I like snow which is symbol of whiteness and color of bride, I like wedding in winter so I select this picture as a back ground.

Then I select this picture of bride and groom which look happy.
I did selection and made it black and white.

This is the final image combination of all previous images. I changed the color and made shadow and effect. It is a symbolic photo of happy bride and groom in winter with an umbrella which represents lovely environment.

Monday, 4 April 2011

2nd Image : Wedding with the blue sky

First I found a bride and groom picture at the beach with out shoes that was very interesting for me which was symbol of simplicity and happiness. As I like to put them in the bright environment under the blue sky which is symbol of beauty in the sky I found another picture as a background and I did selection the first picture.

As the pigeon is a symbol of lucky and happiness I prefer to add in such a symbolic photo. So I did selection a nice white pigeon photo from the background.

 This is a final image. It is a combination of different symbolic layer to make a nice wedding photo.

1st Image: Wedding in an island

I found a nice wedding photo at the beach then I made it black and white with using (Image, Adjustment, Desaturate).
Then I did selection with using pen tool then I separated it from the background then I put an effect like a drop shadow then I copy original image in to a new layer.

I used the heart shape then I made effect using Outer glow in red color.

 This is the final image and made one layer 
black and white and another in the main color.
At the end I made a nice romantic picture
of wedding at the beach with a red heart which
is symbol of hot love.

Sunday, 13 March 2011

The theme is wedding with different concept

As I got married some months ago and I spent a lot of time in photo laboratory in order to choose different back ground and having changes in photos through photoshop, I prefer to do photoshop with some wedding photos in different places and natures. I have enjoyed of watching wedding photos specially in nature and different seasons with symbolic concept that make the watcher think the concept of love and lucky during watching so I decide to do photoshop with wedding theme and concept of nature, season, beach, romance and sky. 

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

About me

My name is Sahar. I'm student in MMU and I'm studying MEL. I like nature and people. I'm interested in working on people in nature.